Thursday, December 7, 2017


Hello Students,
I will have 2 professionals that will be interviewing/ mentoring you in a one-on-one session, each for 15-20 minutes. I will be an observer.
1. You must come in properly dressed for the position you would be applying for (based on your research)

2. You must be confident and clear in your initial presentation. First impressions count. Act professional, give a concise and clear presentation, and then interact as needed.
Introduce yourself, state the job you would like to get, talk about the design process and how it impacts your materials/design, and then go into your brand presentation (logo development and meaning, application of it, and the leave behind). Use your boards and prints as props, and share the "leave behind" piece.

3.They will have a specific rubric given to them by me, But I also want you to formulate a 5x8 card that has your top 3 topics (design details, process, presentation, speaking skills, general professionalism, or other things they may seek input on (color, illustration/photography skills, typography, etc.) in which you would like the Interviewer/mentor feedback or thoughts on. Hand this to them, as you introduce yourself.

4. The interviewers will be in part future employer and part mentors. Their observations and feedback will be from both perspectives.

5. As an employer, they will be looking for a range of skills, weaknesses, concept depth, and ask different questions. As a mentor, they will share thoughts on what comes across from looking at your brand and process, as well as your presentation.

6. In terms of specific materials required:
For Presentation: Actual business cards, mounted Mockup picture of your business packed (including your leave behind piece), actual "leave behind" piece. Any additional pieces are welcome.
For Dropbox: • High-resolution JPEG picture of business package Mockup • high-resolution JPEG pictures (3 minimum of various angles/pages of leave behind) • Final PDF project Analyzes • Any other parts of your required Process notebook that were not turned in before.

I have received emails from just a couple of you... If you are not working on your FINAL version of your leave behind by tomorrow, you are late. I will not be able to communicate part of the weekend, so I expect to see everyone's progress by tomorrow (Friday). Each of you should start the weekend with final, approved pieces, leaving craftsmanship to be the only worry for the weekend.

This will dictate your final grade... As you know, this final grade needs to be as high as possible to offset the initial grades. Do not procrastinate on this, as it will be obvious on Monday.

Basically, you should impress them with your communication skills, confidence, design concept, and materials craftsmanship!  ; )
I am 100 % sure you can do this!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

New Schedule and "to do's"

11/27 - Bring digitized logos and maybe business cards for each of your (3-5) logos from step 12. Choosing final logo in class, and developing Step 13 further.
11/29 - Bring mock ups of all collateral pieces for last feedback. Work on process notebooks and finalizing files for presentation.

12/04 - Final feedback on Final Project. Final Project Process Notebook due TODAY.

12/11 - 1:00 pm - Final Project Presentation + pictures/boards + mock-ups + Drop Box Package files.

Monday, November 13, 2017

End of Year Schedule

Here is how the next few weeks will go for us:

11/15 - STEP 9-10 in class completed or development.

**Step 11 and 12 MUST be completed before Thanksgiving. Start Step 13 (research about the "leave behind" piece) during the break.


11/27 - Bring digitized logos and maybe business cards for each of your (3-5) logos from step 12. Choosing final logo in class, and developing Step 13 further. 

11/29 - Bring mock ups of all collateral pieces for last feedback. Work on process notebooks and finalizing files for presentation.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Final Project Update

Hello Students,

Final Project Curve Ball:  STEP 8 and STEP 10 are to be fully completed in class. Do not do it before class, nor assume you have more than the 3 hour class period. You can do this! With the ammount of research and synthesis you will have completed, I am confident You will succeed.

If you were absent when your timeline was due (11/1), please email it to me ASAP, considering the dates above.

Most class periods will be used to work on this project aside from client presentation days. I might take 30 minutes here and there for hot topics, but otherwise count on class time to develop materials.