Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Assignment Folders & General Info - Due 9/1

By this Friday 9/1 I need to see

1. Individual "roughs" or thumbnails for Client 1 and 2. This multi-page PDF needs to be titled properly and placed in the D2L dropbox titled "Assignment Progressions"

2. Team A and Team B research for Client 1 and Client 2. These multi-page PDFs need to be titled properly and placed in the D2L dropbox titled "Team Research"

3.  Team A and Team B schedule for Client 1 and Client 2. This PDF needs to be titled properly and placed in the D2L dropbox titled "Team Production Schedule"

• The first request for roughs will be turned in individually.
• The other two requests and any future team work, must ALWAYS list team members in the turned in PDF document.

Monday, August 28, 2017


Design Brief - Document Designer uses to learn more about the client and stablish project information.

Process Book - Student documentation on project development.

This will make you think...

1. Interpret; don’t translateTranslating your message into the local language is not enough to ensure your intent will be understood or interpreted correctly.

2. Value is contextual
The quality of your implementation has always been important in maintaining a certain brand image. However, when crossing cultural boundaries, the nuances of what denotes quality become less predictable and thus extremely important to decode.

3. Playing follow the leader
Since each industry or service has its own local conditions and customers, you cannot assume that a set of customers for a particular product or service will act the same as the one you are targeting. Nor should you assume that if a strategy similar to yours was successful for your brand in one market or region, it can be replicated as is.

4. Making assumptions
This point may feel redundant yet needs to be made: we often realize that there are assumptions we may be making while shaping a brand or communication strategy for a different market. Being mindful of these assumptions can often mean the difference between success and failure.


Per our discussion, here are some important dates to add to your master calendar:

8/30 - Team work in class/Individual production time
9/6 - Individual pieces due for client 1 and 2 (Logos for client #1 and Logo with 2 additional collateral pieces for client #2 (Lantern Series Project).
9/11 - Team work/presentation for client 2 work time
9/13 - Individual pieces due for client 3 + Presentation Client 2 + Team work/presentation for client 2 work time.
9/18 - Presentation Client 1 + Team work
9/20 - Team work/presentation for client 3 work time + Conversation
9/25 - Presentation Client 3 + Team work.

I will follow up with more specifics after September.

Also, please copy me on all client emails, and forward me the feedbacks if I am not included in the message.

Keep working on your process books, and make the content rich. The more information (thoughts, explanation, details, facts, images, thumbnails, digital evolutions) the better. Remember you are designers, so make it aesthetically pleasing... A piece I would 'enjoy' reading it. That includes good typography!!! On your covers, please include your team members and positions even though your process document is an individual piece.

Finally, I suggest you build a master spread sheet with your: teams, positions, clients, projects, dates (meetings, productions & presentations), tasks, etc. Aside from a learning experience, it is an extremely useful piece for this class, as well as a great tool for time management.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


DUE WEDNESDAY (tomorrow)
1. Please research Client #2 and modify your brief accordingly.
2. Please send me information on teams & positions for Client # 2
3. Start your Client #1 Research
4. Please bring the start of your Client #1 Brief to class (instructions available on the right)

1. Please research Client #3 and modify your brief accordingly.
2. Please send me information on teams & positions for Client #3
3. Start your Client #2 Research 
4. Project development timelines for Client #1 and Client #2
5. Please bring the start of your Client #2 Brief to class, and continuation of Client #1 Brief.

1. COMPLETED Research for Client #1 and #2

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Positions for your design team

We will discuss field positions further this semester, but for now, you need: 
- a team leader/admin/manager (to do direct client communication, and project/time management), 
- a production/editing director (to overlook all the completion, editing and details of pieces), 
- a presentation director (to overlook and innovate all presentations) in your teams. 

If you think of another useful position or want to discuss this further, let me know.  

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Recaping our conversations and class position.

The classroom is being run as A WORK ENVIRONMENT with tight deadlines which you MUST MEET to successfully pass this course. Do plan to be on time each day. No excuses will be accepted!

The work is rigorous, the expectations are high!

Research, brainstorming, printing, and presentation prep can be done outside of class, while "actual production" must be done and completed in class... Please come to the classroom prepared with materials that you will need to do all work.
You will be graded individually based on the work you produce for each client. The final presented piece will not be graded. You will also be graded on presentations and teamwork. Time management will play a VERY IMPORTANT role in this class, and if you feel you need assistance, I will be happy to share resources with you.

You've been assigned to a team, so make sure that you are meeting and communicating with your team frequently. All finished work done in this class must show a high level of mastery and be fit to be out in the real world representing a business and yourself.

29 Things Young Designers Need to Know

Getting ready for our first client

Per our discussion, your teams must be ready to engage in a professional meeting on Monday, where the client will present the information and you  (the design team) will take notes and ask questions that can help you succeed in producing something great!

I need your team briefs by Saturday (8/19) at 5 pm so that I can give you feedback before Monday. Remember to always reflect your position as a designer with any shareable document or designed piece.If you do not get a direct email from me, that means that are no changes required to your team briefs.

I also need your positions within the team. As we will shuffle the team members around for different clients, I would prefer that positions would also change. It's important to experience different roles!
For now, I just need your team positions for client 1.

I added a "Best Practices" document to the resources on the right, and I encourage you to read it before Monday.

Don't hesitate to contact me: Klord@ or (faster response)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How to write a client brief

The start of our "Business"

It was great meeting each one of you yesterday. I know you will learn a lot and enjoy this course. It will give you a clear idea of what to expect after you graduate.

I just want to reiterate and put a few things in writing, so that you can refer to it and understand the expectations clearly.

1. We will set up this class like a business, a small studio with an Art director and 2 design teams... Don't be fired!!!!!

2. Be proactive with your time management, be punctual with our meetings, and professional in the way you carry yourself in all aspects.

Read your syllabus and please bring the signed form on Wednesday.

Please refer to the documents on the right and write a client brief based on the resources shared. We will discuss this tomorrow in class and combine the documents into one great brief for you to use next week. Please do this in In Design, but bring a PDF format to share.

We will discuss Best Practices and Design Process on Wednesday (tomorrow), aside from the client brief.

On the administrative side, you MUST have Publications AND packaging before taking this class (you may be enrolled at the same time). If you do not have them, you are not allowed to be in this course. You also must keep a 3.0 (B) in all concentration courses.

Do not hesitate to ask any questions!! 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Quick Introduction!

Hello Students,

In this course, you will learn how to be part of a creative team and apply what you have learned to
“real world” practices. Students will have real clients and projects, and will engage in problem analysis, problem-solving, critical thinking, and cognitive development. Time management is certainly a important tool for this class!

We will discuss stereotypical thinking and encourage greater inter-cultural understanding, social responsibility, interpersonal development, and build leadership and communication skills. We will also advance the knowledge of commercial printing, paper specifications, vendor resources, strategy plans and time managements. Finally, we will sharpen your business and presentation skills. 

This blog will be our MAIN point o contact and resource deposit. I encourage you to 'follow' the blog, so you can get notifications of new posts. Otherwise, you must check the blog on a daily basis, to make sure you do not miss crucial information, dates or resources.

We will also utilize the blog not only as a feedback/critique tool within our classroom, but we will also showcase our work here and have peer reviews! It may also serve as an additional presentation tool to your clients!

Because the blog is accessible even on smart phones, it's your responsibility to gather the information/activities/resources placed here at all times.

I look forward to meeting you on Tuesday!! We will have fun, and produce amazing projects in this class!
Katia Lord
Your Instructor