Thursday, August 17, 2017

Getting ready for our first client

Per our discussion, your teams must be ready to engage in a professional meeting on Monday, where the client will present the information and you  (the design team) will take notes and ask questions that can help you succeed in producing something great!

I need your team briefs by Saturday (8/19) at 5 pm so that I can give you feedback before Monday. Remember to always reflect your position as a designer with any shareable document or designed piece.If you do not get a direct email from me, that means that are no changes required to your team briefs.

I also need your positions within the team. As we will shuffle the team members around for different clients, I would prefer that positions would also change. It's important to experience different roles!
For now, I just need your team positions for client 1.

I added a "Best Practices" document to the resources on the right, and I encourage you to read it before Monday.

Don't hesitate to contact me: Klord@ or (faster response)

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