Friday, September 29, 2017

Initial Solutions for Client 3 - ESOL Conference 2017

By Laura Kate Minday

By Angelica Montealegre

By Rachel Garrison
By Preston Luk

By Eryn Speer

By Kira Kowolik

Initial Solutions for Client 2 - Elm Street

By Kira Kowolik

 By Preston Luk

By Rachel Garrison
 By Angelica Montealegre

By Laura Kate Minday

By Eryn Speer

Initial Solutions for Client 1 - Year of Morocco at KSU

By Preston Luk

 By Angelica Montealegre

By Rachel Garrison

 By Kira Kowolik


Here it is! Have fun!

RULES of the game

1. Choose one of the questions below. Do not ask classmates, friends, or anyone else for their opinions or ideas. Let yourself be the only "thinking" variable for the game.

2. Write 3-5 paragraphs –using elevated language, correct spelling and proper grammar– responding to one of the questions chosen. Be mindful of writing something cohesive with a beginning, middle, and end.

3. Once you finish writing, draw a simple illustration of your story. This simple illustration should reflect your writing. It may not "make sense" for the viewer that has not read your piece, so do not worry about that (audience). It's simply a visual translation of your writing. You can make this visual as intricate or simple as you like.

4. Place the PDF document (1 page for the writing, 1 page for the image) in D2L by Saturday 12:00am.

5. I will post your pieces here in the blog by midday on Sunday, and each of you must "intelligently critique" two classmate's work. Talk about the ideas developed, ask questions, give constructive criticism to the writing and visual, etc. USE artistic language, clarity, and kindness in your critiques.  

*** Note that your critiques allow me to understand how you think critically, what you know in terms of elements of art and principles of design, and how creative you are.

6. Make sure each classmate has a critique. If you see a story with a couple of critiques and one with none, please critique the student that does not have feedback.

7. Critiques must be completed by Wednesday 3:30pm (10/4).

QUESTIONS to choose from 

1. Write a story about the zoo without using the names of any animals

2. Pretend you get to make one rule that everyone in the world must follow. What rule do you make and why?

3. Which do you think is more important: motorized vehicles like cars and airplanes or computer? Why

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Writing your concepts for client #3

Hello Students, I already received a couple of students'revised covers! Great.

By Friday 5 pm, I need everyone's revisions (client 1 and 3), as well and your written concept for the client 1.

Please be mindful of grammar, spelling, etc. Also, make sure that your concept "fits" their theme!
Empowerment, Collaborations, and Community are big words to use on your concept document.

Please turn all approved covers, process notebooks and concept documents to the Client 3 Materials folder in D2L by Monday noon.

I also request you turn in the same materials for Client 1 and 2. For these, please turn in final (as they are now) logos, collaterals, process notebook, and concept documents. The folders are ready in D2L.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Client 3 production and Client 1 updates

Please come prepared to present your Client 3 covers to your classmates and me. You must have 3 DIFFERENT ideas to present, printed in color, full size in 8.5 x11.
Make sure you are also working on updateingClient 1 logos as requested. I can give you feedback on it tomorrow. They (pristine documents) are due Friday noon. Each student must turn in a PDF document with 3 pages: Written concept, color logo occupying a 5"x 5" area, and a black and white logo in the same size.

Friday, September 15, 2017

All Logos MUST BE SENT as FINALS along with COLLATERAL pieces by tonight!

As I stated in class, please deliver a folder with low-res PDFs of your pieces to be presented to Elm Street. Please deliver one piece for Morocco as discussed in class. These pieces should be 11'x14".
All these pieces should be in my inbox by 12 pm today, again, per our discussion in class. If you have already submitted them to D2L, please do so through my email as I can't access D2L right now. No excuses as I can see the time stamps in D2L when I do access it.
I will give you feedback by 10 am Saturday morning, if anything needs to be changed.
Then, by end of day Saturday, ALL the written concepts must be emailed to me, again by 12 pm. Feedback by noon on Sunday.
Your boards should be mounted and pristine by Sunday. Do not Forget a label in the back stating your team names.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Not good Progress

Ok guys, I have looked for updates all day.... Received one version from Eryn, and few from Kira... I hoped to have seen A LOT more.
I will check email one more time tonight, around 8:30pm. After that, I will be available to respond in the morning.
Final logos are still by the end of day DUE TOMORROW. If you don't allow yourself to go through the "back and forth process", this is not going to go well.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Come to class Prepared

Hello Students,
For those of you who have turned in logos, collateral, thumbnails, I have given you individual feedback either through email or through the D2L dropbox. Please check and follow up.
Please come with at least one STRONG digitized logo and 2-5 pieces of collateral for EACH client 1 and client 2. Bring print outs, please. I will go over individually with each of you, and we will select the concepts that will be presented to clients.
I will continue to be available for feedback, as I get new materials. If my feedback suggests the concept is strong, but that you need variations in design, please attempt to do it so... 
Please email with concerns or new materials. A couple of you have been great in communication, and not giving up in your attempts! Kudos to you. If you have been discouraged, and not communicative, I am here and available. I WANT YOU TO DO WELL... if you want it as well.

Monday, September 11, 2017

C2 presentation date changed -

DO NOT Celebrate... This is bad...

I understand that you might not have practiced much logo development or research analysis, but aside from the links I posted, there are thousands of resources online to help you get better... The key here is that you MUST WANT TO SUCCEED.

I was forced to change our C2 (Elm Street client) meeting for next Monday, the 18th, because of a lack of materials to present. As of this moment, I have only received one completed logo with collaterals. This IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! Jillian will not be there, but Christopher and other board members will be present. These are REAL WORLD clients, and if you can't handle this, you need to revisit your career goals. They are counting on us to provide them with a real identity.

Most of you were late sending stronger (requested) ideas, and most of you are still very much struggling to CREATE something, instead of using a 'lantern' to symbolize the whole idea of the event.

"A good logo is the cornerstone of a brand. It helps customers understand what they do, who they are and what they value. That’s a lot of responsibility on a tiny image! A logo needs to be original and memorable for the greatest impact. An interesting and intelligent combination and use of shapes, colors, typefaces and other elements can create an image that is simple, yet rich with a concept synonymous with the organization."

I am sure the client could have downloaded a lantern (free art), added text to it, and arrived at similar conceptual results as some of you have. As usual, I am being blunt and direct. I really don't think we have time to mess around...

Anyway, you must bring your best (printed) concept along with your collaterals pieces (EACH OF YOU), and we will select which ones will be presented on Monday. DO NOT COME EMPTY HANDED or with a "lantern clip art and type", as THAT is not acceptable at the 4000 level classes.

I will continue to give you as much feedback as I can if you like until we meet on Wednesday.

You MUST also bring the SAME materials (Logo and collateral) for Morocco by Wednesday. We will go through one client at the time, make the necessary changes and proceed from there. We will be presenting Morrocco at 3:45 pm and Elm Steet at 5 pm.

These clients ARE COUNTING on you.

K. Lord.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

School Closing

Hello students, KSU has cancelled classes for tomorrow. For us, it's not a great thing, as we still have our client meeting scheduled for Wednesday. If the weather escalates, we will deal with it then.

With that said, I need you to prepare for client presentation on Wednesday. In order to try to achieve the best possible outcome, I need to see as much material from each of you as possible. As of now, we only have ONE finished logo to present for Elm Street. I sent everyone feedback on your concepts and NEED to see digitized variations no later than tomorrow, as you will then only have Tuesday to apply your logos to collateral pieces, print and board them for presentation (due Wednesday).

Everything requested with a due date is a grade, so please manage your time well. Because we are not meeting tomorrow, I need these digitized concepts by NOON on MONDAY, so that I can give you feedback and  establish which logos will be presented. Feedback will be given between 1-3 pm. At that point, you must communicate with your teams and prepare for presentation.

If there are questions or concerns, please do not hesitate on contacting me. Open lines of communication is a necessity in this course and situation (between team members, and between students and faculty).

Worst case, you might have 2 presentations next Monday, but I will try my best not to let this happen. 

Finally, your also had Client 1 concepts due tomorrow. This is secondary in priority, but VERY important, as we don't have ANY logos to present to our client 2 at the moment. Digitize your best ideas and send them to me (individually) through Dropbox. If you are not sure which concepts to digitize, communicate sooner for feedback.

Stay safe and focused... after this and next week, schedules should get easier and less intense!!!!!!!

Some resources on logo development...

Logo development resources:

Friday, September 8, 2017

Make sure your time management skills are sharpened!

• Eliminate distractions. 

• Be focused on the task at hand. ...

• Use a calendar. ...

• Use a checklist. ...

• Find your productive time. (Are you a morning person or a night person? You'll be more efficient if you work when you're at your best.

• Get organized. ...

• Follow your plan

• Overcome procrastination

Divide and conquer. (Break up larger projects, such as research papers, field studies, and cumulative finals, into manageable chunks. And spread the stages over a reasonable number of days. Always add some extra time above what you think you need because usually there's a major crunch or crisis toward the end)

• Don't take 10-day holidays. (Some students think it's their God-given right to take off a few days before Thanksgiving holidays and spring break—and a few days after. Instead, consider it your religious duty to tote your textbooks to Cancun and consult them while enjoying a drink.)

Set priorities... (During periods of peak work—midterms, seminar presentations, and exam times, for instance—shed commitments that are not absolutely necessary. Tell your parents you can't worry about their Christmas plans; tell your frat head that you can't be bothered with his community service project; tell your boss you need a much-reduced work schedule; tell your minister that someone else needs to help with the reception after church. There are only 168 hours in a week, and you'll be managing your time a whole lot better if you devote yourself exclusively to schoolwork. At least a few weeks a semester.)

• Schedule rewards...

• Get a good night's sleep.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Grade breakdown...

Bring all digitized/printed logos for client 1 and 2 for class tomorrow. 3 per client, black & white and color. Come ready to explain how your idea reflects the client's audience and its topic (based on your research)

The requested documents you turn in (or don't) accounts for 15% of your grade.
Your individual developments/presentations = %25
Process book = %25
Client presentation = %15
Participation/Professionalism/Teamwork = %20