Monday, September 11, 2017

C2 presentation date changed -

DO NOT Celebrate... This is bad...

I understand that you might not have practiced much logo development or research analysis, but aside from the links I posted, there are thousands of resources online to help you get better... The key here is that you MUST WANT TO SUCCEED.

I was forced to change our C2 (Elm Street client) meeting for next Monday, the 18th, because of a lack of materials to present. As of this moment, I have only received one completed logo with collaterals. This IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! Jillian will not be there, but Christopher and other board members will be present. These are REAL WORLD clients, and if you can't handle this, you need to revisit your career goals. They are counting on us to provide them with a real identity.

Most of you were late sending stronger (requested) ideas, and most of you are still very much struggling to CREATE something, instead of using a 'lantern' to symbolize the whole idea of the event.

"A good logo is the cornerstone of a brand. It helps customers understand what they do, who they are and what they value. That’s a lot of responsibility on a tiny image! A logo needs to be original and memorable for the greatest impact. An interesting and intelligent combination and use of shapes, colors, typefaces and other elements can create an image that is simple, yet rich with a concept synonymous with the organization."

I am sure the client could have downloaded a lantern (free art), added text to it, and arrived at similar conceptual results as some of you have. As usual, I am being blunt and direct. I really don't think we have time to mess around...

Anyway, you must bring your best (printed) concept along with your collaterals pieces (EACH OF YOU), and we will select which ones will be presented on Monday. DO NOT COME EMPTY HANDED or with a "lantern clip art and type", as THAT is not acceptable at the 4000 level classes.

I will continue to give you as much feedback as I can if you like until we meet on Wednesday.

You MUST also bring the SAME materials (Logo and collateral) for Morocco by Wednesday. We will go through one client at the time, make the necessary changes and proceed from there. We will be presenting Morrocco at 3:45 pm and Elm Steet at 5 pm.

These clients ARE COUNTING on you.

K. Lord.

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