Thursday, September 21, 2017

Writing your concepts for client #3

Hello Students, I already received a couple of students'revised covers! Great.

By Friday 5 pm, I need everyone's revisions (client 1 and 3), as well and your written concept for the client 1.

Please be mindful of grammar, spelling, etc. Also, make sure that your concept "fits" their theme!
Empowerment, Collaborations, and Community are big words to use on your concept document.

Please turn all approved covers, process notebooks and concept documents to the Client 3 Materials folder in D2L by Monday noon.

I also request you turn in the same materials for Client 1 and 2. For these, please turn in final (as they are now) logos, collaterals, process notebook, and concept documents. The folders are ready in D2L.


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