Friday, September 29, 2017


Here it is! Have fun!

RULES of the game

1. Choose one of the questions below. Do not ask classmates, friends, or anyone else for their opinions or ideas. Let yourself be the only "thinking" variable for the game.

2. Write 3-5 paragraphs –using elevated language, correct spelling and proper grammar– responding to one of the questions chosen. Be mindful of writing something cohesive with a beginning, middle, and end.

3. Once you finish writing, draw a simple illustration of your story. This simple illustration should reflect your writing. It may not "make sense" for the viewer that has not read your piece, so do not worry about that (audience). It's simply a visual translation of your writing. You can make this visual as intricate or simple as you like.

4. Place the PDF document (1 page for the writing, 1 page for the image) in D2L by Saturday 12:00am.

5. I will post your pieces here in the blog by midday on Sunday, and each of you must "intelligently critique" two classmate's work. Talk about the ideas developed, ask questions, give constructive criticism to the writing and visual, etc. USE artistic language, clarity, and kindness in your critiques.  

*** Note that your critiques allow me to understand how you think critically, what you know in terms of elements of art and principles of design, and how creative you are.

6. Make sure each classmate has a critique. If you see a story with a couple of critiques and one with none, please critique the student that does not have feedback.

7. Critiques must be completed by Wednesday 3:30pm (10/4).

QUESTIONS to choose from 

1. Write a story about the zoo without using the names of any animals

2. Pretend you get to make one rule that everyone in the world must follow. What rule do you make and why?

3. Which do you think is more important: motorized vehicles like cars and airplanes or computer? Why

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