Sunday, September 10, 2017

School Closing

Hello students, KSU has cancelled classes for tomorrow. For us, it's not a great thing, as we still have our client meeting scheduled for Wednesday. If the weather escalates, we will deal with it then.

With that said, I need you to prepare for client presentation on Wednesday. In order to try to achieve the best possible outcome, I need to see as much material from each of you as possible. As of now, we only have ONE finished logo to present for Elm Street. I sent everyone feedback on your concepts and NEED to see digitized variations no later than tomorrow, as you will then only have Tuesday to apply your logos to collateral pieces, print and board them for presentation (due Wednesday).

Everything requested with a due date is a grade, so please manage your time well. Because we are not meeting tomorrow, I need these digitized concepts by NOON on MONDAY, so that I can give you feedback and  establish which logos will be presented. Feedback will be given between 1-3 pm. At that point, you must communicate with your teams and prepare for presentation.

If there are questions or concerns, please do not hesitate on contacting me. Open lines of communication is a necessity in this course and situation (between team members, and between students and faculty).

Worst case, you might have 2 presentations next Monday, but I will try my best not to let this happen. 

Finally, your also had Client 1 concepts due tomorrow. This is secondary in priority, but VERY important, as we don't have ANY logos to present to our client 2 at the moment. Digitize your best ideas and send them to me (individually) through Dropbox. If you are not sure which concepts to digitize, communicate sooner for feedback.

Stay safe and focused... after this and next week, schedules should get easier and less intense!!!!!!!

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